Passepartout is all about documentaries and visual stuff I find worth seeing.

When books are not for reading: please try this at home

I recently found three artists with three different ways and styles of changing books into something unexpected. So here is what you can do with your old dull shelves of books.

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Not just a monkey: wildlife photography and what is behind these photos

Last weekend I went to the World Press Photo Awards Days. The Sem Presser lecture this year was held by ‘veteran’ wildlife photographer Michael “Nick” Nichols. And for the first time, the beautiful-too-beautiful-to-be-true wildlife photography I usually see in National Geographic, got a new human dimension. Got a context. And a face.

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Old CDs metamorphosis: the art of Sean Avery

Sean Avery is an artist and an illustrator for children’s books. And he’s the one turning old CDs into these animals. They look a bit kitsch and don’t invite touching. And since I find kitsch unfairly unappreciated and I have a geeky interest in things made of non-conventional stuff, I found these animals worth looking at.

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