This Rubber Duck travels the World. Designed by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, Rubber Duck appeared in different places, from Sydney to Sao Paolo and from Hong Kong to Pittsburgh.
Florentijn Hofman says his Rubber Duck has healing properties, it can relieve mondial tensions as well as define them. In his words, ‘the Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it doesn’t discriminate people and doesn’t have a political connotation.’
I don’t know about that, but for sure it is so unexpected that can relieve any personal tensions, a bit of a reminder to smile and not to take yourself too serious.
You’d be surprised to know that this yellow friend takes months to build. There isn’t one duck traveling the World, what travels is the its concept. In every location the duck was built and inflated by different people.
You never know how one morning you’ll be going to work or having a run and from behind a bridge Rubber Duck will be staring at you.

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