I’m back home and back home one can find things and beings close to their heart.
This pointy nose is dear to me. We met this morning.
More on Passepartout
A Cat a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: International Cat Day There is an international day for everything. For too many things. But cats certainly deserve one and I recently discovered this celebratory selection. These black and white photos are all […]
Christmas. You know, Santa came last night, got a lot of nice surprises including a tablet that will make my work and my extended readings much easier. The tree I made pretty all by myself fell down […]
IDFA DocLab: Virtual Reality experience My first Virtual Reality experience was pretty intense and pretty nauseating. Yet, I didn't stop, I wanted to go through everything to be able to write about it (I'll do it soon). One […]
Photos from within 1000 meters from my home: a photo project looking at ‘the familiar’ with new eyes There are thousand of details in our close environment, thousands of things happening every time we walk out our house. But most of them we no longer notice, because they seem to common […]
The comfort of taking a break from being you: Tom Broadbent’s portraits of Furries in their homes What you do when you're a Furry is that you dress up as a fluffy character and you meet up with other fluffy characters and you chat and have and hang around. You can also do other things, […]
If you’re not home, they are: photos of animals living in abandoned houses It's almost worth leaving your home to see what happens. This photo project made my day today. The thought of these curious faces appearing from around the corner might be frightening for […]