After some busy and long months with a lot of things to do – stuff that keeps me away from enough sleep, mental space and also writing on this blog – I wasn’t really much looking forward to IDFA. More work sounds like a pain right now, but I think I temporarily forgot that IDFA is home. I arrived in Amsterdam today without much enthusiasm but once I dived in and got my press pass, a very familiar feeling I get every time I come to the festival kicked in and stayed: I want to see everything!
All posts tagged IDFA
Eight IDFA docs to watch, some to skip and some I wish I didn’t miss
Many films are never heard of again after the festivals. Some land on TV but I don’t know which, where and how because I don’t watch television.
I get a good part of my yearly documentary dose from festivals. And the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam is a good place to be for that. Since my new plan for this blog is to write it more personal, here are some of the films I watched at the last IDFA and I didn’t get to write about them anywhere else . Some I liked, some I wish I watched and some I wish I didn’t.
Looking Back at IDFA 2012 – A Week After
The first edition of the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) happened in 1988. At that time, it had a small audience and only three screening rooms. “We had one phone, two huge typewriters and a closet to work from” said IDFA director Ally Derks, remembering the beginnings. In time, IDFA became the largest documentary festival in the world, screening hundreds of films and attracting aproximately 120.000 visitors. This year it celebrated its 25th edition. And I was there to see it.