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DOF Magazine: The Black Cat Issue
It doesn’t get more bitter-sweet than this: Mark Nixon’s portraits of old teddy bears Have you ever noticed how many stories an object from your past can tell? How those stories become alive once you rediscover an item long lost? We live our lives surrounded by objects and […]
A map of the most photographed places on Earth in 2013 Mid-December, Instagram released a list of the most photographed places in the World. The winning location is somehow sadly...a shopping mall in Bangkok. Soon after, Google released a […]
Photos from within 1000 meters from my home: a photo project looking at ‘the familiar’ with new eyes There are thousand of details in our close environment, thousands of things happening every time we walk out our house. But most of them we no longer notice, because they seem to common […]
Fictitious Dishes: some of literature’s most famous meals made real Literature helped me survive most of the long and boring days of my (first 12 years of) formal education. I secretly read in class, keeping the book on my knees, under the desk. I love […]
The medium is the message: cliches in movie posters I found these collages visually captivating and entertaining, considering these (cliche) posters keep appearing, same style, same colors and same films in the end… and yes, they do already […]