Passepartout is all about documentaries and visual stuff I find worth seeing.

Tuesday, 2015.

This is how I feel these days, only I’m not paving the way for much and at least this chimp went into space. Me. Not. Even. Close.

His name was Ham and this was 1961.

On a totally different note, I don’t have time for any of my long planned ‘complex’ posts. Not. For now.

Meanwhile here’s an article about Ham in Life Magazine.


The Island of Doctor Moreau: the surprising-kitschy-collage version

Andrea Mastrovito makes a lot of stuff, and most of it is worth seeing so check her website and look carefully. What caught my eye is – predictable, right? – this amazing-kitschy-surprising-collage, a recreation of the animal kingdom, her own version of Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau, now called The Island of Dr Mastrovito with version I and II. Well. Truth is her version is much more gentle than the original story, in which a mad doctor does all sorts of experiments hoping to transform animals into people. Mastrovito only cuts all these animals from nature books and puts them all together in this arresting installation.

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Art made out of old cars: Finnish dairy metal cattle

Finish artist Miina Äkkijyrkkä (can you pronounce her name?) combines agriculture and cattle-raising with “high” culture and the visual arts. In her work but also in her daily life.She’s known to love cattle and she’s also known to have a passionate and eccentric character.

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